Stanford’s New Computer-Based Decision Tool for Women with BRCA Mutations

The following is taken directly from the above-referenced link:

Purpose and Intended Use:   This decision support tool is designed for joint use by women with BRCA mutations and their health care providers, to guide management of cancer risks. This tool is not intended to replace any aspect of medical care. Testing for BRCA gene mutations, and managing hereditary cancer risk, is a complex process which should be supervised by expert medical professionals. The goal of this tool is to inform discussion between providers and patients about options for reducing cancer risk.

Intended Population:   The decision tool calculates the probability of health outcomes for women ages 25-69 who carry a BRCA1 or BRCA2 mutation, and who have never had the following: 1) cancer; 2) screening mammograms or magnetic resonance imaging; 3) preventive surgery to remove breasts, ovaries or fallopian tubes; 4) preventive medications such as tamoxifen or raloxifene.

Assumptions Made:   The tool’s calculations result from a computer simulation model, not a clinical trial. The decision tool uses data from clinical studies of BRCA mutation carriers on cancer incidence and the efficacy of screening, preventive surgeries, and treatment, and data from the general United States population on survival according to breast cancer stage, hormone receptor expression, and grade. Long-term validation of the tool’s model-based estimates is warranted. Articles describing methods are available on the publications page. Medical terms (in red font) are defined by clicking on each term, and in the glossary.

Please click on the above link to find out more and to use the decision tool.

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