Coming Out of the Funk

I realize I haven’t been posting recently.   Honestly, I haven’t felt up to it.  I’ll rebound as there are things to post about.  I guess I’ve just been in a funk.

I was watching a movie about 9/11 last night and one of the characters said something that really hit home.  I guess it was how very simple and beautiful it sounded.  I can’t really remember the exact wording, but it was something like: “you never know what wonders are hiding in the people around you.”   Meaning that we all have natural gifts, special skills, past events or connections, little know facts, unique qualities, etc. that make us fascinating to be around.  What a true and beautiful statement!   I mean, you’d think it’d be fairly obvious but most of us take this thought for granted.  Something to keep at the forefront of our minds with everyone we come into contact with on a daily basis.