The Precipice of Change

On my journey of transformation, a massive, vertical cliff of discomfort and change calls to me.  It says, “come climb my steep, hard surface.  It will be very difficult and perilous, but not impossible.  Here is where the real work begins!”

The past week has been rife with supposed conflict and negativity, and my moods have consistently spiraled downward.  However, if I step back and look at the bigger picture, all of it is pushing me further toward unprecedented change, both internally and externally.  Like a carefully composed opera.  I’m actually being forced to step out of my comfort zone and clearly choose which way I will go on the road ahead. 

I’m a fairly stubborn person (to a fault and in all the wrong ways) and, even in misery, have become quite comfortable in my own situation.  It’s not even close to being the life I desired for myself, but it’s been familiar and comfortable.  I settled into what I believed I deserved.  Now, something out there, or in here, wants to quash those believes.  It doesn’t want this same existence for me.  God, the Universe, that inner seed–Once it starts growing, there’s no stopping it.  The seed of change has sprouted!  Now, I must love it, water and feed it, and call it George :-), so that it will flourish. 

I’ve had to make some incredibly hard choices in recent years, and more to the point, heavier, heartbreaking sacrifices–but they didn’t kill me.  Write it again–They didn’t kill me.  I choose whether my life will be diminished by these events or not.  I can’t kid myself, some days are undeniably hard.  Some days I can barely get out of bed, but I do.   Now I’m trying to face those days while looking through a more open and honest lens.  It doesn’t always work.   

I think some people may think that I’m done with the bad stuff–the hurdles, I survived the cancer.  I’m good now.  But that’s so far from the truth.  Yes, I’ve won that battle for now; but I’ve been seriously wounded and still standing in the full midst of the war.  Like a storm still in full force.  Yes, I survived that massive wave.  It didn’t take me under, but I’m still being rocked this way and that with an, at least perceived, ongoing threat of capsizing. 

Time to climb the precipice.


Kicked off the horse of good vibes!

The last couple days I’ve felt completely knocked off the horse of positive vibes.  Like I’ve been punched in the gut and lying face down in the dirt.  Couldn’t seem to stop the waterworks yesterday.  Honestly, if we didn’t have these times of feeling completely shattered, we just wouldn’t be normal or human.  No one can stay on the the high wire of feeling positive and in control all the time.  Most often not!  Especially with all this crap!!!!!!!!  Can’t say that enough!  Honestly, I think I’ve been doing really well compared to most.  You’re gonna lose your balance and fall at least some of the time, maybe even a lot of the time.  The trick is getting up, dusting yourself off and getting back on that high wire.  Some days are tougher than others, for sure!

I’ve been doing semi-good with my raw foods boot camp.  We’re at the 10 day mark.  Toughest part, or what I have not been doing well at, is the workbook/homework.  Totally lacking in this area.  What I have been doing well at is eating tons of organic, yummy greens, a huge variety of colorful veggies and fruits, and I’ve been juicing or drinking green smoothies nearly every day and sometimes twice a day.  I’ve not yet followed the good nutrition with lots of exercise, and haven’t cut the sweets entirely, but this is much improved.  It’s a good start!  And it appears I’ve lost 3 lbs so far.  It’s at least something but I do need to seriously step up my game!


Off with the wig, Baby!

Okay, so this morning I decided it was time to go rogue at work, so off with the wig!!!  Finally!!!  They are so hot and itchy!  My hair is still super, super short but at least covering my head enough, I think.  I’ve gotten rave reviews from my co-workers, so that’s good!  Here are a few wigless selfies I took today at work.  Wig be damned!  Yay!

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25 Healthy Living Sites that I’m Finding Useful

Here are links to 25 healthy living websites (starting with my favs) that I’ve found to have very useful info:

  1. Tiny Buddha  (
  2. MindBodyGreen  (
  3. REAL Farmacy  (
  4. Eighty Percent Raw  (
  5. Kris Carr – CrazySexyWellness  (
  6. The Eden Prescription  (
  7. The Daily Green  (
  8.  (
  9. Q by Equinox  (
  10. Healthful Pursuit  (
  11. Veria Living  (
  12. Greatist  (
  13. Super Foods Rx  (
  14. Whole Living  (
  15. Prevention  (
  16. Eating Well  (
  17. Gaiam  (
  18. Nourished Kitchen  (
  19. Green Living Online  (
  20.  (
  21. Zen Habits  (
  22. Raw for Beauty  (
  23. All Things Healing  (
  24. Naturally Savvy  (
  25. Natural Healing House  (

Yummy Produce,YES!!!

Headed to Trader Joe’s today to get more greens, fruits and veggies.  Yay!  I’m excited to start a daily juicing routine again and experiment with different kinds of yummy greens and other ingredients in my blender, and also learning to “not” cook/prepare raw foods in the 28-day raw foods on a budget bootcamp coming up soon.

veggie pyramid

I scheduled to meet with the physical therapist in a couple weeks and will meet with another patient navigator that works with young survivors from Seton on additional resources I can utilize, even aside from diet and fitness.

We have a 3-day weekend to celebrate Martin Luther King’s birthday–Dr. King, YES!!!  I thought maybe I’d make a dent in outlining and starting to write initial draft chapters for my book.  Good plan!

I’m also thinking of entering the BCRC’s 2014 Art Bra Austin runway show, as an artist, not a model (although they need entries for those as well).  Maybe I’ll get some of my other girlfriends involved.  Yes, another good plan!  I’m full of them today. ;-)


Transformation is Happening in Every Moment

When the Japanese mend broken objects,
they aggrandize the damage by filling
the cracks with gold. 
They believe that
when something’s suffered damage and
has a history it becomes more beautiful.
~ Barbara Bloom

Often we are fully aware of the moments we are in true transformation, but many times we are not.  Sometimes transformation is so subtle, it often doesn’t hit us until later.  I’ve realized, even with great setbacks (most recently I’ve been eating everything in sight and have gained weight, I know I have), I’m still transforming for the better, and in real, long-term ways.  My thoughts and beliefs about myself and the world around me are changing.  I’m striving, even in the smallest measure, to live by intention and not by habit.  And even when I fall short (which is all the time), my thoughts about falling short are different too–More of an “okay, that didn’t work” or “man, I fell off the wagon there, but it’s going to happen so get back up and keep going.”  I choose to no longer beat myself up about it or go spiraling into negative thoughts (which, the saying is true, being negative does absolutely nothing for you!  I should know as I WAS the resounding poster child for negativity!). 

We all have negative thoughts and I’m sure I will continue to have them, but I’ve learned not to let them control my life.  I’ve been made even stronger now and developed more awareness, and even gained some tools to keep me moving forward and away from the negative thinking.  Now, I look more toward how I can do things better or just differently.  Past events don’t plague me as they used to and I now see the truth behind them instead of the lies I had previously told myself.  I also see how incredibly strong I am to have lived through such tragedy and adversity throughout my life.  I used to believe so many things were my fault.  I felt so damaged or that somehow I was genetically flawed and entirely unfixable.  Well, LOL, let’s face it, I really am genetically flawed (albeit in a different way); however, aside from the real genetic mutation that has devastated my life (but that I am living and thriving through) the negative thoughts don’t have the stronghold they used to. 

As with any extreme hardship, you have two choices: (i) either you become so destroyed that it’s literally impossible to come back from; or (ii) you buck the hell up and gain an entirely new, more purposeful and positive prospective on life.  THANK GOD I think my ticket is for the later train!  And maybe I’m just not willing to be as critical on myself or about my choices anymore.  I have been beaten down and virtually decimated and now I’m working on being built back up even stronger.  As if my damaged body and emotional well-being lay motionless on a large, metal table being torn open by machines slowly working to methodically replace parts of me with stronger, smarter and more resilient ones.  Such as fire can devastate a forest, in time it brings renewal and even more, productive life.

Acceptance comes with grace and humility, and surrender brings great power if you can be still long enough to see it.  I can now see clearly the message behind the passage “[m]y grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness” because I’ve now lived it.  I am grateful for that as most people will never experience this type of revelation.

A year or two back, I started an outline of my book and recently realized I must continue that project.  It is becoming increasingly more important to me.  A few days ago I wrote a friend about potential titles.  She’d previously read initial draft passages from my book, for which I already had a title.  She encouraged me to think about sticking with the original title.  I think now that she may be right and that I’m on the right track as my current metamorphosis may play into the original title well, but more on that later. :-)